is still pretty quick

On 27 Apr 2012, at 12:28, S. Dale Morrey wrote:

> There is actually a project called open crawl or something like that which
> is a publically accessible webcrawler.  Someone wrote an article on how to
> convert their db dump into a real search engine using hadoop or something
> similar from amazon.  Ill try to pick through my links and find it when I
> get home.
> On Apr 27, 2012 12:08 PM, "Daniel Fussell" <> wrote:
>> On 04/27/2012 10:54 AM, Michael Torrie wrote:
>> I yearn for the days when my search page had only a simple text field,
>> an image, and 2 search buttons; and when the result list was just as
>> simple and helpful.  Then they started sticking their fingers in
>> everyone else's pie, tasting each one repeatedly.  Now a 500MHz ARM
>> processor isn't enough to render the simplified mobile search page in
>> under 60 seconds, let alone the results.  I'm beginning to think wading
>> through the unsorted results from AOLs' original Webcrawler would be
>> faster and easier.  Or even surfing semi-random links directly.
>> Yes, Google is now the Walmart of the Internets, and has gone down the
>> series-of-tubes.  I'm half tempted to start an open-source, distributed
>> search engine akin to SETI@home.
>> ;-Daniel Fussell

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