On 5/23/2012 10:15 PM, S. Dale Morrey wrote:
> I see nothing wrong with either description.  You may wish to include more
> details such as environments and tools used, how much experience you want
> with each and what the pay range is.  Team size and position in the team.
> Perks and benefits are good info to have as well.  Also I personally like
> to know about the company itself such as the name, what they do, how long
> have they been in business are they publically held or private etc.
> Location can also be important too.
> On May 23, 2012 10:00 PM, "Nathan Blackham"<kemot...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Guys,
>> I know I stay mostly quiet on this list, but I need some help.  I
>> recently took over as manager of a new team responsible qualifying our
>> OS on new hardware as well as new kernels and OS components on
>> existing hardware.  The process is currently mostly manual, and the
>> goals is to automate this testing as much as possible.  In addition to
>> the qualification, the team owns building out test hardware as well as
>> deploying the qualified OS to production so that new builds can use
>> the newly qualified OS.
>> I am struggling to create a good job description for the positions
>> that I have open on the team.  I am hoping that you can help me create
>> some solid job descriptions that would catch your interest and make
>> you think about applying.  I have 2 categories of positions: Software
>> Developers and System Engineers.
>> The System Engineers that I am looking for would be the ones to run
>> the tests, build the test capacity, and deploy out the software.  I
>> want Engineers who will work hard on scripting the process away so it
>> is automated and less error prone.
>> The Software Developers that I am looking for are ones who want to
>> build test automation, including automating workflows, testing, and
>> analyzing results.  Much of the testing is performance testing as
>> well, so people who are passionate about benchmarks and making sure
>> that we are testing the right stuff.
>> I am happy to share the job descriptions that I currently have but
>> would love to have ideas from the group about the things that you like
>> to see in a job description.
>> And if any of you are interested, feel free to contact me and I will
>> be happy to talk to you more about the positions.
>> Thanks Guys,
>> Nathan Blackham
One thing I often see neglected that this list in particular brings up a 
lot is location.  If you're in SLC, you want to save people who don't 
like SLC the trouble of having to waste time asking.  From a personal 
standpoint, I like to see details on necessary requirements of 
technology understanding.  Basically, if I need to know virtualization, 
you should say so.  If I need to know VmWare ESX specifically, you 
should say that.  Don't be specific unless it really should be 
specific.  Otherwise, leave specifics in parenthesis as a preferred item 
(SonicWall preferred).  Everything else Dave suggested is awesome as well.

-Tod Hansmann

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