On 8/20/2012 8:17 AM, Steve Meyers wrote:
> On 8/20/12 1:23 AM, Nicholas Leippe wrote:
>> The install media is independent of the licensing.
> This actually isn't true, in my experience with Windows XP.  They have
> different install media for OEM installs vs retail installs, and the
> media checks for the right kind of key.
This is very true.  Also note that there's differences between media for 
Home, Professional, and Media Center editions, all of which have both 
OEM and Retail versions, and then there's the manufacturer specific 
ones.  (We won't get into 64 bit).  I will legitimately suggest that you 
try to install from any like media you can find on another machine (if 
you don't have the key, try using Magic Jellybean).  If that becomes too 
difficult, honestly just pirate it.  You'll lose a point or two on a 
Microsoft Audit (when do these actually happen?), but I have a feeling 
this machine won't be the focus of such an audit.  It would be easier if 
they could keep the old license around for record keeping ("Yes, we have 
a license for this, the pirated installer was just infinitely 
simpler").  This is how I've seen a number of businesses work with old 
machines doing similar things (often in manufacturing, oddly enough).

Anyway, my 2 cents.

-Tod Hansmann

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