It is impossible to please everyone in this group, so don't bother trying. 
That's what makes it so fun. Just enjoy the flame wars and grumbling.

But if you send a private message to the entire list, remember that Google will 
never forget.

These two articles are good to be aware of:

And these two are just for fun:

As far as clients go, any standard Linux client should work fine: KMail, 
Thunderbird, Evolution, Mutt.



On Tuesday October 2 2012 08:51:40 Matt Melvin <> wrote:
> > CC:
> > From:
> > Subject: Re: New member in Lehi
> > Date: Mon, Oct 012 0::8::7 -600<
> > To:
> > 
> > Welcome! I'm top-posting and sending in rich text to ensure an [OT] flame 
> > war netiquette thread starts shortly hereafter. ...It's the best kind of 
> > welcome we know how to give!
> I now realize I've committed (and am still currently committing) a mailing 
> list faux pas (or two).
> The good news is, I've discovered the "Plain text" setting in Hotmail's web 
> interface.  I'd rather
> switch over to my gmail account, but I guess I wasn't sure how much posting 
> to a mailing list would
> expose my email address to spam via bots/spiders.  Go easy on me... I'm brand 
> new to mailing lists.
> Any references for good mailing list netiquette would be much appreciated.  
> Also, any tips on an email
> client to use that will ensure proper, plain text messages and appropriate 
> line length, etc., and will
> make these threads easier to read?  I've been doing a lot of distro-hopping 
> and I use several
> different machines (also, different OSes), so I don't really even have an 
> email client that I use
> consistently right now.
> So pretty much, I want to do right by as many people as possible here, but 
> it's a whole new (old)
> world, so I'd like some direction.
> And thanks for the strange welcome!...
> Matt                                    

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