On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 8:28 PM, Troy Wolfe <wolfe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not lds, but I believe YHWH exists on at least 9 dimensions of space
> and 3 dimensions of time, where mankind operates in 3 of space and 1/2 of
> time.
> For more on this, "Creator and the Cosmos" by Dr. Hugh Ross is a great
> read. He has his phd in cosmology.

The book sounds cool, I'll check it out.  My understanding (which I
will admit is as limited compared to Levi's as Levi's is to our
hypothetical deity) is that the laws of physics apply regardless of
hyper-dimensionality, and that simply operating within a higher
dimension does not give one access to privileged or different physics.
 In other words, even if you can rotate something through the 9th
dimension you still don't get to violate causality.

Is that incorrect?


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