I'm sorry, I didn't make that part clear. We want to use git, and will move 
using it individually with our github account as a centralized store for our 

My hesitation begins with how we get our code from our development 
environments to the test server. Or the most efficient way to do it... 

1) can git manage this for us somehow?
2) should we continue manually copying files from our local dev to the test 

That is what I meant by change. We are not sure how best to manage the testing. 
Maybe a centralized github defeats the purpose and we shouldn't use it? Maybe 
there is a better way to get our code to the test server?

Thanks again!

On Wednesday, May 01, 2013 16:32:40 Barry Roberts wrote:

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 4:03 PM, Nathan England <nat...@nmecs.com[1]> wrote:


We really don't want to change our setup because of some rigid quality control 
thatmust be done, so that really is out of the question. How do we make git 
bestfor our setup? 
Do we really need to change? 

If you're not using revision control now, then, most emphatically, yes, you 
need to 

Is there a better way for our reviewprocess by the QA team? (who are *not* 
at all, btw)

I would set up a ci server to build and deploy your applications.  Then after 
the build 
on test is certified by QA, they promote it to production and maybe even deploy 
production using the CI server.

I would either use git tags or build artifact versions that can be used to 
a git hash to track exactly which code gets deployed to production.

I don't see any reason git wouldn't work for you.  You sound as if you have 
reason to think it wouldn't, but don't say what it is.



Nathan England

NME Computer Services http://www.nmecs.com
Nathan England (nat...@nmecs.com)
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

[1] mailto:nat...@nmecs.com

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