Thanks for all the responses so far on this one. I'll have to go back and
re-read the header function docs. I was under the impression that it could
only be called once per page. I must have misunderstood.

As to the suggestion that the guy I'm designing this for store all the
files on his file system (and they're not just small image files, but large
video files and even binary programs as well) that was my first suggestion.
He has said that he is paranoid about people being able to gain access to
the content from outside the web page. When I asked him to clarify he said
that he wants to ensure that even if someone somehow was able to gain root
access through an exploit (buffer overrun, etc....) that all the hacker
would see is the web pages themselves. He is trying to make unauthorized
access to the files as difficult as possible by adding an additional layer
that the potential hacker would need to go through (in this case, the
Postgres engine). I'm sure there are easier/better ways of accomplishing
that, but I'll admit I drew a blank on what they were. Perhaps you guys
have suggestions?

As to getting a content management system and querying with CIMS (or was it
CMIS?) I have no experience with doing such, so that would be a REAL
learning curve. Not that it doesn't intrigue me. But the few content
management systems I've seen are commercial products. I doubt I could
convince him to spend the money on such a setup. Now if there's an open
source content management system that is real good, then by all means, send
me URLS for reading it's manual or something. I'm quite curious. Just
because I have no experience in it presently doesn't mean I'm not
interested in gaining experience in it. :)

I really appreciate all the help on this one guys! Thanks tons!

--- Dan

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Don't fear the penguin.

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