On 12/03/13 13:45, S. Dale Morrey wrote:
I've been feeling some serious hate towards modern distros as of late.

I have what I thought would be a portable desktop, i.e. Quad Core
processor, high end graphics, oodles of ram etc.
I've tried Ubuntu & friends, RH & friends, Gentoo etc.
All seem either bloated and slow, or a PITA to get up and running, some
just choose not to run at all.

The major problem has been UEFI support.  My bios can disable it, but then
the distro(s) still hiccup and refuse to come fully alive after install.
  This is true even though the live cd's work fine.

If the distro supports UEFI it will at least install and boot.

Ubuntu has been the worst on this laptop, I literally have a "System Error"
dialog box that pops up every 30 seconds no matter how many times I dismiss
it.  I'm hardly a noob.  I've been using linux actively for over a decade
(literally since 1998 and exclusively since 2002). I should know how to
make this go away without wiping it, but sadly I can't seem to track it
down.  It seems to be something coming from power management, but I really
don't have the time to track it down at the moment and there is no way to
just make it shut up and go away.  No it's just got to throw a system modal
dialog box in my face within 1 minute of dismissing it.

At the moment I have a 10 minute boot time, most of which is spent on a
black screen with the words "scanning for btrfs file systems".  But even
after that point, boot up and time to a working desktop are so painfully

This laptop is 1 year old today.

I've been looking at Suse lately and it's been running like a top on all of
my EC2 instances, seems significantly faster than ubuntu server and much
easier to configure than RHEL.  Haven't tried it on my laptop, but when I
do my quarterly wipe / reinstall I'm planning to make the jump.  If that
fails I think I'll just put win8 onto this laptop and give it to someone I
don't like.

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Nicholas Leippe <n...@leippe.com> wrote:

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I'm a hardcore Arch Linux user, and have been for ~6 years now. I prefer the rolling release structure, it's bleeding edge yet stable. On the server end, FreeBSD 4LYF!! I've been using it for 12 years, up until I discovered Arch, I ran fbsd on the desktop too, but someone invented youtube and I decided that running flash had a viable use. Every year or so, I go through and play with the other distros just to see what's new, if they've fixed whatever it was that annoyed me in the past, etc; I was pretty impressed with Fedora 19, Ubuntu has just been leaving a bad taste more and more each release, OpenSuse is still... OpenSuse... so close yet, not quite... Mint is pretty alright, I think it's overtaken Ubu with regard to the cool factor, with Cinnamon, and all, but it still smells like Ubu to me, and sad to say, that hurts it for me. Nothing has come along yet that has impressed me enough to move away from the Arch/FreeBSD mode I'm in, and sadly I don't foresee anything happening that will make me change. And yes, I did try Gentoo, it's a fine distro, but I just got tired of it's 'attitude' and I've seen nothing recently that suggests the 'attitude' has changed.

John D Jones III
UNIX Zealot; Perl Lover

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