On 12/11/2013 04:23 PM, Olli Ries wrote: > Mir does have nothing to do with Unity
It does in the sense that Unity is going to require Mir in the future and will (in theory) do away with X11 entirely. Of course the rest of the Linux world would also like to move beyond X11, but everyone else has decided for a number of reasons including technical to support Wayland as the de facto Linux GUI server. So Unity does represent Canonical going its own non-compatible rather than evolve along with the Linux community from which it was created. This is further evidenced by Ubuntu dropping all branding references to Linux. They want Ubuntu to be Ubuntu, not Ubuntu Linux. /* PLUG: http://plug.org, #utah on irc.freenode.net Unsubscribe: http://plug.org/mailman/options/plug Don't fear the penguin. */