Hi everyone,

I've got a puzzler going on here and I'm hoping someone can point me in the
right direction.

I've got a box running Centos 6.  I have a script I need to run at boot, it
just does a screen -d myscript.sh
So I placed the line in /etc/rc.local

I've checked the permissions, and everything looks correct.
I've manually run rc.local and it works fine.

However when I reboot the script is not being run.
I'm not really sure what to check/fix or look at, but to my mind it looks
like rc.local isn't running.

This is a stock install of centos, selinux has been disabled and I think
someone might have possibly removed some excess daemons from chkconfig
(acpid & atd are missing).
However it seems to boot and run just fine.  It never does run the rc.local
scripts though.

Any advice?
Thanks in advance!

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