Wordpress is pretty slow for a number of reasons, but some easy things you
can do to speed it up is to install a php op-code cache, and a word press
cache plugin.  I would recommend xcache http://xcache.lighttpd.net/ for the
op code cache, and probably WP-Cache for the word press cache plugin.

Other suggestions would be to use nginx for the webserver, cache the sql
queries, or move to a faster blogging platform :)


On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Robert Merrill <robertmerr...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Pluggers,
> I've been hosting my own WordPress sites for seven years or so now, and
> the reality is that my sites are just running too slow. I'm using a virtual
> shared server on media Temple. Admittedly I'm paying $20 a month, so I
> don't expect best in class performance, but I have to do something
> different.
> I can move my sites to WordPress.com and for the same price per month, get
> much better performance, it appears… However, with much less flexibility
> and I can't customize anything other than stylesheets.
> Before making the leap, I wonder if there something smarter I should do?
> Is there a better shared server setup that you can think of? Is there
> something more advanced in the area of $60 or $80 a month? Or am I looking
> at $300 or $500 a month for something beefy enough to give me reasonable
> performance?
> I'm already using some (I think) good caching, as well as a fairly
> extensive edge CDN media/static file distribution set up leveraging AWS.
> I'm not opposed to a little learning curve and elbow grease. I'm not a
> hacker, but I'm more advanced than your average Joe. I know PHP, minimal
> perl and py, JavaScript, databases, the basic web technologies, I can SFTP
> and chmod files, mess w DNS zone files, and have minimal but passing
> capability with .htaccess and the like... but admittedly until a few years
> ago I thought "Sudo" was a line from a Phil Collins song.
> Thoughts? Lost cause? Bite the bullet?
> --
> Robert Merrill
> http://connectedwell.com
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