Warning:  Rant below.  Stop now if bluntness would offend you.

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 3:27 AM, Dan Egli <ddavide...@gmail.com> wrote:
> PHP - best way?
> On Tuesday, May 27, 2014, Doran Barton wrote:
>> Don't use PHP. ;-)
> Very funny. I actually don't appreciate digs like that. PHP may not be the
> best language out there, but it's a good one just the same. And it's one
> that was easy for me to learn! I tried looking into Java once. I was lost
> after twenty minutes. Maybe someday I'll look at it again, but as it
> stands, PHP is the best out there for me. I could do this site in Python I
> suppose, but that's about the only other language I'd use. Don't even get
> me started on Ruby. I know some people love it, but every time I looked at
> it I just wanted to scream "IT'S UGLY! IT MAKS NO SENSE TO ME!" I'll take
> PHP over Ruby in a microsecond!

Alas, if only "easy to learn" always went along with "good".  If only
20 minutes were long enough to learn a programming language.  If only
it were possible to make informed decisions about what's best without
actually becoming informed first.

Please don't write programs.  Just don't.  People who can't be
bothered to learn how to do things shouldn't even try.

> Besides, I don't know Python or anything else, and can't get any books on
> them to learn them. So it's PHP or a Bash script. Take your pick. Of the
> two, I think PHP is the far better choice. :) Now if you have a web site
> that will take you through the process of building a site in Python (as
> well as other things, since Python happens to be a very popular scripting
> language even at the command line) then I'll happily take a look at it. But
> for the moment, this site design is PHP. I've already put in many hours of
> work getting it to where it is now. It's perfectly functional, and does
> exactly what I want it to do. But it's not hardened against attacks. Hense
> the original post of my thread. I'm looking for sites that give good
> details on properly sanitizing a site against attacks, and has things that
> can be directly used in PHP. It's all well and good to say "Do this, and do
> that" but considering that I've not used PHP (or HTML for that matter)
> since version 4 (of each), I'm not likely to understand HOW to do this and
> not that unless it's illustrated on the page. I am most definetly behind
> the curve.

"Man, I put a whole few hours into working on a project.  I can't be
bothered to learn any more about my tools by myself and I am stuck, so
I am going to ask people to spoon feed me what I need to know, because
the explanations so far just went over my head."

Clearly you have access to the internet.  You can get to web pages.  I
have personally seen evidence that there's all sorts of tutorial
information on topics from programming languages to explicit
instructions on the "right things" to do in PHP.  People in this
thread have even provided links!  And Google will happily provide
billions more!

If you don't want to learn this stuff, you don't have to.  No one is
forcing you to learn anything.  But if you're not going to learn
anything, what in the world makes you think that you ought to be able
to apply the knowledge you don't have to build software?  Just give up
and find a hobby you're actually interested in learning about.  You'll
be happier and annoy fewer people with inane requests for
spoon-feeding and uninformed opinions.

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