On Sat, 26 Jul 2014 00:08:35 -0600
Von Fugal <v...@fugal.net> wrote:

> * Sprinkler control - "gee it sure is hot today, better give the lawn
> a little extra water tonight", don't have to wait till the optimal
> time or until I get home, by which time I'll probably have forgotten
> about it. ;)
>   I've been toying with the idea of having a camera on the lawn to
>   measure the "greenness" of the different zones for a feedback
> control, though I fear the response time may be WAAAY too long to be
> useful. :/

Let me know when you have that sprinkler control system running. With
all the travel I do, I could use that.

I think you are right about the response time on the camera, but look
at moisture sensors. Water the lawn at, say, 03:00, see if it is still
moist during the course of the day, and vary the water time accordingly.
Don't forget to offset for trees and bushes adjacent to the zone.
Moisture sensors will also help offset rain.


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place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
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