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On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 10:36 PM, Dan Egli <ddavide...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey folks, perhaps my google foo isn't up to snuff today. I've been looking
> for articles that help me understand exactly how to setup hostapd on gentoo
> using systemd, and I'm not finding anything. I looked all over the Gentoo
> Wiki and found nothing that mentioned both hostapd and systemd. I found
> pages that mention one or the other, but they seem to contradict each
> other's setup, making it impossible to use both pages at once. If possible,
> I'd really like to use netifrc as well. But I can't tell for sure if that's
> possible or if it's only for OpenRC setups. The Gentoo AMD64 walkthrough
> specifically states that they assume you're using OpenRC vs. systemd. I'd
> consider just using OpenRC, but I want this setup to be as future proof as
> possible and since it looks like everyone is moving towards systemd, I'd
> prefer to stick with that. This is especially true as all the walkthroughs
> for luks that I've encountered have entailed using systemd and
> /etc/crypttab and I can't find any that explain how to use luks with
> OpenRC, although I'm sure it's possible. And yes, I've looked. Again, my
> google skills must not be up to par today.
> I've no idea where else to look. So perhaps someone here can point me in
> the right direction. I'm trying to create a wireless hotspot (that can work
> in managed mode, obviously, not just ad-hoc) that gets called with systemd
> under Gentoo. The desired network setup would be like this:
> eth0 - Public IP - Protected by iptables firewall that uses NAT to rewrite
> requests from eth1 or wlan0 using eth0's IP
> eth1 - Private IP ( let's say)
> wlan0 - Private IP (say
> The iptables rules are in place and seem to work fine for eth0 & eth1. Both
> eth1 and wlan0 are serviced by dhcpd. I've got dhcpd running and serving
> addresses to those connected to eth1 just fine. And from what I can tell it
> should serve addresses to wlan0 connected nodes, but I can't tell until I
> can get hostapd up and running so that nodes can associate with the
> wireless nic in the first place. I want the nodes to be wpa2 protected, of
> course, and I have wpa_supplicant installed. But all the gentoo docs seem
> to be about using wpa_supplicant to connect to an existing AP, not to have
> the box serve as an AP itself (and there are reasons for this that I'm not
> getting into at the moment, but I do have them). They mention hostapd, but
> never give any config details that I can see.
> Any suggestions would be most welcome. I'm getting ready to pull my hair
> out. Help!?
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