I poked around the forums of both MMM and Moodlogic before making my
choice.  It appears that there were quite a few people unhappy that the
Moodlogic software had not been updated in quite a while and bugs were
not getting fixed.  Also Moodlogic had this "credits for songs
analyzed" thing that sounded more complicated than I cared to deal
with.  MMM has one fee and you get unlimmited access to their database,
which in my view is the better deal.  It appears also that MMM is being
continuously developed and the software engineer is very responsive on
the forum.  At the moment Moodlogic does allow you more control over
the mix type than MMM does, though I expect this to be added at some
point in the future.  I have not tried Moodlogic so I haven't made a
side-by-side comparison on the mixing logic.

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