I am anxious to see if I can get this running on my ePods
(http://www.geocities.com/epodsfiles/index.html), which runs WinCE
V2.11 (very old) on a MIPS CPU.  Currently, I run a version of the

What's the ePods' screen resolution?

handheld skin (you developed that, didn't you?)

No, I didn't, I only re-worked it. And I do care about it as I'm using it more than any other skin.

but Internet Explorer (V4) performance on the ePods is very poor ... I
am curious to see how this compares.

I'd be interested, too. There's a big difference between my Pentium M 1.5GHz and the Zaurus. But it's mainly the GUI that is redrawn slowly. As most of the search and browsing logic is done on the server, speed in navigating through the music collection mainly depends on the latter, not the client. I experienced big improvements when I moved from SQLite to MySQL (about 30% faster response times on a Via C3/1GHz).

I've posted a question on the Ewe forum to see if I might be able to
get this working.  If I do, I'll let you know how it looks/works!

Thanks for doing so. Michael (Ewe's author, not me ;-)) usually is pretty quick in answering questions.

Does SlimRemote use the SlimServer settings for
album/artist/compilation behavior?

I don't know... I'm using the CLI, just telling the server to give me the list of albums, or the list of tracks for a given album etc. It's the server which decides what I'm getting.

I tried it out on my PC, it worked
fine but seemed to be showing me all artists on compilation albums even
though I have SlimServer set to group compilation albums together and
list albums by band (and have the "compilation" tag set in my WMA

I don't quite follow. I think it's time I'm buying a compilation album of some sort... Could you give me an example, the way how you navigate in the web interface and in SlimRemote, what you expect, what you get etc.

Thanks for the feedback!



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