Excuse me for bringing this up again but I'm running the latest .zip
package on 6.5 and OS X and I'm getting the same debug output and lack
of functionality that Steve was reporting, namely: 

  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1161 Parse error on line 2: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1186 Parse error on line 5: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_ACTIVATED
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1204 Parse error on line 9: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_DEACTIVATED
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1217 Parse error on line 13: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_ENABLED
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1250 Parse error on line 17: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_DISABLED
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1264 Parse error on line 21: 
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1277 Parse error on line 25: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_SUBMITTING
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1291 Parse error on line 29: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_HEADER
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1306 Parse error on line 32: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_DESC
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1319 Parse error on line 36: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_USERNAME
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1331 Parse error on line 40: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_AUTOSUBMIT
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1344 Parse error on line 44: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_AUTOSUBMIT_2
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1357 Parse error on line 48: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_MAX_PENDING
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1371 Parse error on line 52: 
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1386 Parse error on line 56: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_BAD_CONFIG
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1400 Parse error on line 60: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_OF
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1413 Parse error on line 64: 
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1458 Parse error on line 68: 
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1474 Parse error on line 72: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_NONE
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1488 Parse error on line 76: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_PASSWORD_FOR
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1573 Parse error on line 80: 
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1589 Parse error on line 84: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_NEW_USERID
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1603 Parse error on line 88: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_NEW_USERID_2
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.1636 Parse error on line 92: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_NEW_PASSWORD
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.2960 Parse error on line 96: 
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.2980 Parse error on line 100: 
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.2995 Parse error on line 104: 
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.3022 Parse error on line 107: 
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.3037 Parse error on line 110: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_ACCOUNT
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.3050 Parse error on line 113: PLUGIN_SCROBBLER_SUBMIT_TAGS
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.3062 Parse error on line 116: 
  2006-04-15 20:00:28.3079 Can't load plugin Plugins::SlimScrobbler::Plugin - 
not 6.0+ compatible. (displayName must return a string token, strings() must 
not use _DATA_)

Why does it think it's not 6.0 compatible?

PS it sure would be a lot easier to upgrade SlimServer if plugin
authors would do the necessary things to make plugins work from inside
~/Library/SlimDevices rather than from within the SlimServer.prefPane
package, which necessitates moving and copying every time an upgrade is
to be performed :|

Oscar Marsh

jabber: ojmarsh [ta] amessage.at
Oscar Marsh's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=311
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21926

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