I seriously doubt I would ever want to rate tracks as finely as 48, 49,
50, but I could see myself using ratings of 50, 55, 60.  

At the very least, a 0-9 system would be a lot more useful than 1-5. 
With 1-5, loading up a playlist of 4+ gives me only a tiny portion of
my collection (maybe 5%), while 3+ gives me almost the whole thing

A 0-9 system would allow me a lot more control.  8+ would truly be the
cream, 7+ would be superb, and 6+ would give me all-day listening with
no bad songs.  Even 5+ would give me most of my library without the 15%
- 20% of clinkers that can buzz-kill a listening session or par-tay

Rating filters combined with genre selection would allow a lot of
control without a lot of effort.

Pale Blue Ego
Pale Blue Ego's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=110
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