I've just posted a new version of iTunes Update: 1.9.0

New in this release is support for the "Skip Count" and "Last Skipped"
fields found in iTunes 7.

If a track does not qualify as being played, it will be marked as
skipped *unless* playback is paused or the player has been turned off.
This is a first version so I can't guarantee there won't be any strange
behaviour but feedback is welcome!

Also, for Windows users, the latest version of 6.5.1 allows you to run
SlimServer as a user process from the SlimTray tool, thus doing away
with the need for all that messing about with cmd tools and services.
Just change the SlimTray option 'Automatically run at system start' to
'Automatically run and login' and restart SlimServer!



James's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=189
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28412

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