ian_heys wrote: 
> In the range 410963:12:45. Alternates randomly about every 5 - 15
> seconds. 

This isn't causing me a problem but I've worked out that is referencing
1st January 1970 and that this is apparently "Unix Time". It is only
appearing on my Windows connected USB DAC using a WASAPI driver other
players are fine.

LMS:   Raspberry Pi 3B Picore 3.02 Server/Analog Player
LAN Player:   Squeezelite on Windows 10 PC with ARCAM rPAC DAC.
Homeplug Player:   Raspberry Pi 2B Picore 3.02 Player/Topping VX2
Wifi UPnP Players:   Revo SuperConnect, 2 x Chromecast Audio, 1 x
Chromecast Video.
ian_heys's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2629
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=106409

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