Michael Herger;150599 Wrote: 
> >But as the whole setup and plugin stuff is due to be reworked
This is interestesting. Attempting to get what I want out of the
MusicInfo plugin has made me realise that currently the whole
screensaver/display stuff on SlimServer is confused and quite
overcomplicated (there are interelated display settings on at least
three separate pages for instance). In SlimServer the idea of a
screensaver comes before setting the display. I guess this is mainly
due to the fact that MusicInfo is a plugin and was developed after the
display stuff (including the, for me, now redundant screensaver stuff).
It seems to me that, for the Transporter at least, the MusicInfo screen
should be the first display stuff one configures. After that one should
be able to configure a screen saver (or two).
I think a simple interface would present choices for each display
segment (by font size), with a scroll/not scroll check box. This screen
would present an option also for what you get (per segment?) for the
right button (left button ought to be browse, as current) and/or Now
Playing button.
the screen saver ought to follow on for here with the same options but
with the addition of choosing the exact time for the screen saver to
kick in.

Also, all possible choices for the info for each segment ought to be
selectable (this means *all* display options including graphic
equaliser, now playing bar, vu meters etc). I am confused as to why it
should be necessaary for me to add them in yet another screen and why
some are not selectable at all (for instance, comment field for "Now

I hope this makes sense. I can see why the display stuff has arrived at
the point it has, but I think now (for 7?) is the time to put it right
and make it user friendly.

Is is of course possible that I have missed somehting fundamental which
is whay I have foiund it impossible to display the display the way I
want it. If so, I'm sorry and, if anyine has any ideas I'd welcome

What I want to acheive is very simplet understand why I am finding it
so hard to do. It's this:

I'm only interested in the large font, as I can't see the others! I'll
configure them later.
I do not want a screen saver at all. I want the only changes made on
the screen to be as a result of me using the buttons on the remote.

Huge font:

Artist in left hand screen, song title in right (achieved!)

Hit right hand remote button (and/or Now Playing button) receive
"tracknumber - album" on left screen, comments field on right screen.
This should stay on the screen till I hit the left hand button (and/or
the Now Playing buton.

What I am finding at the moment is that the screen saver interferes
with everything.

Any help much appreciated. I've now been three nights trying to get
this as I want it!



Now what?

Transporter > Naim NAP 250 > PMC OB1s.
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