Expand hierarchy node on double-click.
Intercept these windows generic media keyboard commands (see
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/librar ... 46275.aspx):
. APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_HOME - invokes the Home toolbar button
. APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_REFRESH - invokes the Refresh toolbar button
. APPCOMMAND_HELP - invokes the Help menu item
. APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_REWIND - invokes the Rewind (<<) toolbar button
. APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD - invokes the Forward (>>) toolbar
. APPCOMMAND_VOLUME_DOWN - invokes the Volume Down toolbar button
. APPCOMMAND_VOLUME_UP - invokes the Volume Up toolbar button
Prevent spurious browser error on clicking Home

5s delay after starting HQPlayer before trying to open TCP channel, to
fix initial handshaking
When .mp3 or .m4a file pushed to HQPlayer, convert to .aiff before
- Show track being converted (or copied to buffer folder) as pending on
the track queue

Add an option to include Unrated tracks in the track filter:
- if no min rating also specified this means unrated tracks
- if min rating is also specified this means unrated tracks AND tracks
at that minimum rating
- if min rating specified and unrated not ticked and this means tracks
at that minimum rating only (as before)
- at album level this means any albums which INCLUDE any tracks that
match the above
- works in filtering & the track wizard function (queue random tracks)
Track wizard function from hierarchy view applies filters to tracks
queued (doesnt just pick any track from an album that qualifies in the
selected node)
Manage Bookmarks window (from Bookmarks menu) 
- can delete, rename & re-order bookmarks as required.

muso developer
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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=81685

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