Michael, I still don't see spotty when I add it to the url to the
respository list.  any ideas???


mherger wrote: 
> Ok, you're curious. But are you willing to fail? If not: don't continue
> :-)
> Here's Spotty, my not fully fleshed out potential next generation
> Spotify implementation for Squeezebox. In its current form it's a
> protocol handler only. What does that mean? You're going to continue to
> use the Spotify app provided by mysb.com, but the plugin will take care
> of playing back content to your devices. As such it replaces my Spotify
> Protocol Handler plugin, which is based on the long deprecated
> libspotify.
> Spotty is using the open-source librespot library
> (https://github.com/plietar/librespot). That library is implemented in a
> programming language I didn't even know before (Rust). So please prepare
> for failure and longish bugfix cycles :-). If you're ready to take the
> risk, here you go:
> >   >   > 
  - Add http://www.herger.net/slim-plugins/test.xml to the plugins
  > repository list
  - Install Spotty
  - Uninstall the Spotify Protocol Handler and Triode's Spotify
  > plugins (if installed)
  - Restart LMS
  - Go to Settings/Advanced/Spotty and follow the instructions
  - Use Spotify on SB as before.
  > > > 
> On platforms other than Windows you should be able to authorize the
> plugin using your mobile or desktop Spotify application. On Windows
> unfortunately you'll have to enter username/password (which are NOT
> stored in LMS).
> My kids have been using this plugin for a few weeks now, for hours a
> day. It sometimes takes a tad longer to buffer the first track. But
> after that playback seems to be pretty gapless. It does seeking.
> Doesn't crash when skipping tracks. Isn't limited to a single device.
> Let's keep fingers crossed it continues to work post Fall '17...
> Technically this implementation follows a pretty different approach
> than the old implementations. Rather than having a daemon run in the
> background, Spotty is running the helper app for every track. It uses
> the transcoding framework to pipe the audio data back in to LMS, very
> much like any file format would do which required transcoding. By
> default Spotty would stream audio as FLAC. But this can be changed in
> the file formats settings (PCM or mp3). My office LMS is running on a
> piCorePlayer based Pi3 installation. CPU load is well below 10% during
> playback. 
> There are binaries for MacOS, Windows (needs MS VC 2015 runtime), and
> some Linux flavors (i686, x86_64, ARM HF & SF). I would be surprised
> if they worked all, though :-/. In particular the arm build has seen
> little to no testing. It fails on piCorePlayer running on a Pi B, but
> does work on the same hardware using Raspbian. It fails on my ReadyNAS
> Duo v2 lack of some dependencies. The list continues... Please report
> back your "uname -a" if you fail on Linux. Thanks!

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