psketch wrote: 
> I'm using 1.5.3 and in general all seems well with the streams with one
> very odd situation - one of my players just streams silence, whilst all
> the others seems to work fine.  I have a mixture of h/w (transporter,
> boom, SB3) and picore players. All work fine apart from one,  which has
> a pi2, picoreplayer & Hifiberry Amp+.  Other h/w players seem fine, as
> do other pi based players.  On the one that doesn't work, it's streaming
> other content fine - e.g. local music, TIDAL, other internet radio
> services.  When I try and play bbc, it picks up the channel information
> and bit rate - just no sound.  Really strange.  If I just tell the
> player in the next room to play the same content, that works fine.  Any
> ideas where to start?
> Quick Edit : If I stream direct from
> (i.e. an MP3 stream) that works fine as well, even on the unwell player.

BBCIplayer DASH & HLS streams are 48kHz whereas MP3 are 44.1kHz

Isn't there a bug in Picore 3.2 with Hifiberry Amp+ playing 48Khz
streams ?  see

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