bpa wrote: 
> I suspect an error in you command line "-d all=info" is the correct
> syntax and the following is sample output at startup.  At startup bare
> minimum there will be init logs from stream, output, decode and output.

aha. My log2ram filesystem was full
Here are my startup arguments:

##Arguments for Sanskrit Pro DAC
DAEMON_ARGS="-o hw:CARD=PRO,DEV=0 -p 90 -a 20:4::0 -d all=info
-f /var/log/squeezelite/squeezelite.log"

and here is my squeezelite startup log:
[20:05:30.552592] slimproto_stop:920 slimproto stop
[20:05:30.652954] decode_close:175 close decode
[20:05:30.695568] stream_close:322 close stream
[20:05:30.717152] output_close_alsa:973 close output

/opt/squeezelite/squeezelite-R2 -o hw:CARD=PRO,DEV=0 -p 90 -a 20:4::0 -d
all=info -f /var/log/squeezelite/squeezelite.log 
[20:05:30.781855] stream_init:290 init stream
[20:05:30.784246] output_init_alsa:888 init output
[20:05:30.784356] output_init_alsa:929 device : hw:CARD=PRO,DEV=0
requested alsa_buffer: 20 alsa_period: 4 format: any mmap: 0
[20:05:30.789896] output_init_common:410 supported rates: 384000 352800
192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 
[20:05:30.797363] output_init_alsa:945 memory locked
[20:05:30.797894] decode_init:129 init decode, include codecs:  exclude
[20:05:30.800070] load_faad:610 loaded libfaad.so.2
[20:05:30.800121] register_faad:640 using faad to decode aac
[20:05:30.801002] load_vorbis:300 loaded libvorbisfile.so.3
[20:05:30.801056] register_vorbis:329 using vorbis to decode ogg
[20:05:30.801878] load_flac:266 loaded libFLAC.so.8
[20:05:30.801943] register_flac:294 using flac to decode flc
[20:05:30.801965] register_pcm:424 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
[20:05:30.802385] load_mad:383 loaded libmad.so.0
[20:05:30.802423] register_mad:412 using mad to decode mp3
[20:05:30.797886] output_thread:696 open output device:
[20:05:30.802890] discover_server:756 sending discovery
[20:05:30.802914] alsa_open:366 opening device at: 44100
[20:05:30.803420] discover_server:767 got response from:
[20:05:30.803574] alsa_open:439 opened device hw:CARD=PRO,DEV=0 using
format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 0
[20:05:30.803680] alsa_open:530 buffer: 20 period: 4 -> buffer size: 884
period size: 221
[20:05:30.809255] slimproto:849 connecting to
[20:05:30.809734] slimproto:882 connected
[20:05:30.809805] sendHELO:124 mac: fe:c6:a1:a2:3a:bf
[20:05:30.809832] sendHELO:126 cap:
[20:05:30.811445] decode_flush:190 decode flush
[20:05:30.811510] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
[20:05:30.811778] decode_flush:190 decode flush
[20:05:30.811839] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
[20:06:08.210241] decode_flush:190 decode flush
[20:06:08.210593] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
[20:06:08.256940] codec_open:218 codec open: 'p'
[20:06:08.257300] pcm_open:405 pcm size: 2 rate: 44100 chan: 2
bigendian: 0
[20:06:08.257516] stream_sock:384 connecting to
[20:06:08.257986] stream_sock:413 header: GET
/stream.mp3?player=fe:c6:a1:a2:3a:bf HTTP/1.0

[20:06:08.316882] stream_thread:176 headers: len: 115
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Logitech Media Server (7.9.1 - 1501791870)
Connection: close
Content-Type: audio/L16

[20:06:09.939102] decode_flush:190 decode flush
[20:06:09.939343] output_flush:423 flush output buffer

Tonight's prom hasn't started yet, so no surprise that I don't play
anything yet.

Will post again after the start of the prom.

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