This is a great plugin that has saved me binning my Squeexeboxes. Thanks

One problem, although it may not be plug-in specific.

Sometimes a Spotify track will stop and just start playing again from
the beginning. I have to then manually skip to the next song.

I'm on a Raspberry Pi3, connected via ethernet and with a good power
supply. LMS 7.9.0. I also have LMS and Spotty running on a HP
Microserver and this never happens, so I know it's not my internet

I turned on debug log, and it is possibly happening around the time of
the audio cache cleanup...

[17-08-16 22:03:12.5887]
Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks (322) Played 20
song(s) since last audio cache purge.
[17-08-16 22:03:27.0013] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCache (334)
Starting audio cache cleanup...
[17-08-16 22:03:27.0033] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCache (355)
Max. cache size is: 0MB, current cache size is 0MB
[17-08-16 22:03:27.0049] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCache (388)
Audio cache cleanup done!
[17-08-16 22:05:56.4433]
Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks (322) Played 1
song(s) since last audio cache purge.

Any ideas?

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