MillmoorRon;160994 Wrote: 
> I have enabled the Lastfm module and done a scan from the Custom Scan
> page.  I can't find any options in Custom Browse or SQL Playlists for
> using this data.
> Do I also need to do a full (slimserver) library rescan?
It is enough if you do a scan from Custom Scan page. But you will have
to click the "Clear" button besides LastFM in the Custom Scan page
first if you have have previously scanned LastFM data with Custom Scan.
The reason for this is that it only scans  new artists which have not
been scanned previously.

In Custom Browse you will need to create a new menu of one of the menu
- LastFM Similar Artists
- LastFM Tags

If they doesn't show anything you might want to create a menu in Custom
Browse of menu type:
- Custom Scan Info
The "Custom Scan Info" menu just makes it possible to look at the
Custom Scan data through the web interface, the main purpose is for
debugging. The "Custom Scan Info" menu type has been added in a recent
Custom Browse/Custom Scan release, so if you don't see it you might
need to upgrade to the latest version.

There is currently no playlists available for LastFM data. You will
have to customize the SQL yourself in the playlist or post a request
here, if you like to use the LastFM data in a playlist.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
'Custom Browse'
and 'RandomPlayList'
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