BosseJ wrote: 
> I have finished the first step (analyzing 23128 flac-files) without any
> issue. However when I uploaded a test album and open3d the LMS Essentia
> webgui, there were no data - all stats were empty.
> I set the log level for the plugin to Debug and this is the log-record
> for each and all of the uploaded files:
> > 
  >   > [17-11-26 10:28:02.7338] 
Plugins::LMSessentiaIntegration::Plugin::handleJSONupload (306) 
handleJSONupload ref=HASH
  > [17-11-26 10:28:02.7346] 
Plugins::LMSessentiaIntegration::Plugin::analyzeMetadata (352) analyze_metadata 
res={'albumartist' => ['various artists'],'artist' => ['various 
artists'],'file_path' => '/local/volfram1/wav/Labels/Mercury Living Presence 
sampler/16 Symphony No 3 in C Minor - \'Organ\' Camile 
Saint-Saens.flac','length' => '137.466659546','genre' => ['Label Mercury Living 
Presence'],'title' => ['Symphony No 3 in C Minor - \'Organ\' Camile Saint - 
Saens'],'tracknumber' => ['16'],'album' => ['Mercury Living Presence 
sampler'],'file_name' => '16 Symphony No 3 in C Minor - \'Organ\' Camile 
Saint-Saens.flac','urlmd5' => 'a55a1cf60f9a54bcf69572651f496c87','file_url' => 
  > [17-11-26 10:28:02.9702] 
Plugins::LMSessentiaIntegration::Plugin::handleJSONupload (316) processing 
> > 
This (and the log) looks ok, there are no obvious issues.

> No error message related to Essentia or any other error at the
> approximate time that I can see. I'll attach server log (the time stamp
> for the upload was around 17-11-26 10:25).
> Any hints on how I should proceed?
Do you have no numbers in the stats view, or are they 0 ?
How about the data view? Empty?
Did you try a Essentia search in the playlist editor with a condition
that should return results?

There's no entry for the stats in the log - could you try viewing the
stats / data while the log level for the plugin is set to debug?
There should be a line like:

  Plugins::LMSessentiaIntegration::Plugin::getStats() res = ...

BosseJ wrote: 
> the workstation CPU where I performed the analysis do support AVX and
> SSE4, however my LMS server cpu does not, neither AVX nor SSE4. Can the
> sever cpu be the issue? It is really old ...
No, it's only needed for the analysis.

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