bakker_be wrote: 
> After 16 hours the analysis crashed, no specific message in the log ...
Well, that makes finding the issue tricky.
I'd suggest you analyze in batches. While I don't thing the size of the
collection is the issue (someone wrote he analyzed ~120K songs
successfully), it will narrow it down, and the tracks analyzed will be
in the DB.
One way to do it (adjust for your setup):

  find /mnt/music/ -type f|split -l 10000 -d - tracks.
  for i in tracks.*; do ./ analyze --db-path XXXX "$i"; done

SW: 'extGUI4LMS'
| 'Playlist Editor'
| 'Music Classification'
| 'Similar Music'
| 'LMSlib2go' (
HowTos: 'build a self-contained LMS'
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