Snarlydwarf >>> I've been experimenting with this, and you're right on
several counts.

If I set SS to use MusicMagic and also set a music folder, the scan
takes 40 minutes;  if I don't have a music folder set in SS, it takes
17 minutes.

If I set only 'use MM', the song count is 3364.  If I also set a music
folder, the song count is twice that.  

But I have always used an UNC path to the networked music drive in SS
(\\drive-alias\public\musicfolder);  whereas MIP only lets you select
an assigned drive name (Y:\musicfolder).  When I use the same assigned
drive name format in SS as in MIP, the song count matches:  3363.

And one final idiosyncrasy I've discovered (probably everyone else knew
this already!):  when I've got SS and MIP agreeing about the number of
songs (as per my last paragraph) MIP reports 752 Artists;  but the SS
library stats on the home page report only 444.  (SS agrees with MIP on
number of albums and of songs).  However, when I browse in SS through,
say, All Artists to All Albums to All Songs, SS displays the number of
artists on that page as 752.

What I think is happening here is that whenever SS is looking at All
Songs, it counts how many artist names there are, including all
multiple instances (i.e. individual tokens);  but whenever it is
summarising a higher level (albums; artists) it counts only how many
*different* artists there are (i.e. types rather than tokens).  MIP
only reports tokens.

This may be boringly obvious to most people;  but it comes as a great
relief to my orderly mind to understand the discrepancies between what
I had assumed would be counts of the same things.  To see the
unaccountable discrepancies was an irritating puzzle!

Best wishes


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