Firstly, I would like to thank all those involved in keeping the squeeze
and LMS "alive and kicking" after the years of neglect from logitech...
I am only now purely by luck, finding out about the efforts put in by
you 3rd party guys to improve on the concept, when I was googling an
answer to why the LMS appears sometimes and sometimes not as a server
source on my yamaha 3030 AVR. For many, many years I have used my SQbox
radios as purely internet radios and network media players thru LMS, and
accepted that the LMS will appear now and again as a source to the
yamaha and my desktop, usually after a restart of the LMS but for only a
short period of time.. eg: less than an hour..

So today I have found this forum [and I am impressed by all the work
that seems to have been and is still being put into the squeeze system]
and stumbled across the uPnP bridge. While I didnt find any answers to
the intermittent appearances of the LMS, I did manage to follow the
instructions on the SQ2uPnP settings page and it is working fine with a
little issue. I am a real 'noob' when it comes to computer stuff and
completely foreign to linux, html and that "stuff". So credit to the
instructions provided by Philipe and the effort involved in getting the
bridge out there, in a position that could be setup by me... first try
gave me control but no sound. so after running the application to sort
out the firewall, suggested in the setup instructions, it came to life..

So the issue I have with the bridge inand my system, well actually two,
but small things I hope. Firstly when I "synchronise" my yamaha with my
SQbox radios the sound is not actually in sync between the three units..
It is fine between the two radios, but the yamaha is out of sync. I
expect the answer to this is "that's how it is cos they are different
processors etc..".. and if that is the answer, that's fine.. -how much
should I expect afterall..-

Second issue I have is that sometimes the system has a sort of
intermittent "meltdown" and stutters the volume control up and down
rapidly.. at which time there is no control possible on any unit.. after
I switch off the Yamaha and back on again all is fine again... I have
used the common settings/config/parameters suggested by the software,
and I expect that there may be something which I can twiddle in there to
avoid these  stutters.. but please make it in clear english if there
is.. thanks.. -noob level-

So BIG THANKS to everyone involved in keeping the SQBox systems alive
and kicking, after 12 years of ownership I now know why they were so
highly regarded by some, and even though a few more $ than most "other"
internet radios, I can now say that it was money well spent..

Any ideas anyone on my sync and stutter issues..?? and pretty please the
irregular appearance of the LMS on the network, if possible....

-Thanks a million.. - CD

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