mherger wrote: 
> > The windows machine is a desktop machine that is always on and given
> > that we've narrowed it down to something likely about the "the expiry
> > time of the token", wonder if we can put in place something to do
> some
> > further diagnosis.
> We haven't narrowed it down to this. I only expressed my thought that 
> one hour would represent the duration for which a token lasted. After 
> which Spotty had to get a new token - which might point to something, 
> but that's not a given.
> > First of all, are you able to explain to me what exactly is expiring?
> Is
> In order to access Spotify's servers you need a token. This token you 
> get in exchange for your credentials, and it's valid for one hour. After
> this you need to get a new one.
> > it the spotify login auth token or ? Who is issuing the token? Can we
> > possibly add a few lines of logging to spotty to figure out what's
> > happening/what's going wrong?
> There already is a lot of logging. But none of it would show anything 
> unusual.
> > As I mentioned, I turned off every anti virus or port blocking
> security
> > application I could think of on the windows machine, but is it also
> > worth trying to modify any config setting (use another port instead
> of
> > 9000 or ?) that you can think of?
> If there was a problem then I'd have thought it was outgoing. BUT as it
> eventually would work, I don't believe there's a fundamental problem 
> with that.
> -- 
> Michael

Is there logging before and after each call to the Spotify API that I
can check?
I'd like to check the likely assumption that the "hang" is happening at
the time of an external API call to Spotify (perhaps for authN). Is
there any existing logging to do that? What level logging should I turn
on to see that, DEBUG?

I'm guessing that if there is logging of the external calls to Spotify
API, we will likely see the log entries stop at the time of the outbound
API call that is hanging. 

ie: logfile entries when we don't get a hang
"About to make external spotify call to <insertAPIName>"
"Returned from spotify call <sameAPINameAsAbove>"
more logging entries
more logging entries

when we DO get a hang
"About to make external spotify call to <insertAPIName>"
(no more logging entries as system hangs)

Thoughts? Thanks Michael.


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