keynet wrote: 
> I'm testing wavinput on my PiCoreplayer setup, here's a couple of things
> I did to make it work + a question
> It worked pretty much first time, once I installed and configured the
> local LMS on the PiCoreplayer + wavinput plugin as wavin:default.
> I'm using an ancient USB Soundblaster MP3+ which works fine as a player,
> and might approximate a low-end sound card these days. 
> But it produced horrible dropouts when capturing audio.
> Eventually, having tried a few things, I fixed it by changing the sample
> rate from 44100 to 48000
> So the command in
> /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/slimserver/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/WaveInput/custom-convert.conf
> becomes
> > 
  >   >         [arecord] -d0 -c2 -f S16_LE -r 48000 -twav -D $FILE$ | [flac] 
-cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 - 
> > 
> A nice simple fix in this case, no apparent dropouts, of course YMMV.

The rate setting change is depeendent on the source and it appears your
source only support 48kHz. 
> The other thing I found was that the PCP didn't seem to load my saved
> Alsamixer settings which default to the MIC as input - no good.
> Setting the input to line and setting a suitable level, then 'sudo
> alsactl store' saves asound.state in /var/lib/alsa
> Setting user startup command #1 to 'sudo alsactl restore' does the trick
> of always restoring input levels & routing.
> So the question - 
> I'm using this setup to rip some vinyl, but having difficulty in
> capturing the stream. Local capture isn't practical on the PCP due to SD
> card size, location etc, and the suggestion is that Squeezelite can save
> to file by redirecting output (-o -).  However when I do this I get a
> huge file very quickly, that nothing recognizes, not even Audacity. I'm
> assuming it's FLAC or raw audio and tried piping it through ffmpeg, but
> it doesn't like it either.  Any suggestions ?  Thanks

This question really belong on a PCP thread as most PCP developers will
not read a waveinput post.

I find it hard to beleiev that a single vinyl LP rip to Flac will not
fit on an SD card.  The squeeszelite approach is not sensible.  Use a
direct conversion input to file (even networked drive) such as arecord
-> flac -> file or ecasound (not sure if available on pcp).

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