bluetdi wrote: 
> @boomX2
> I change from tcuttings-STD-plugin to yours recently. It works fine, but
> there are a few questions left.
> 1. When I looked into your code, I saw at line 2932
> > 
  >   >     my $dates = $perldata->{'vt1dailyforecast'}->{'validDate'} ;
  > my $sunrises = $perldata->{'vt1dailyforecast'}->{'sunrise'} ;
  > my $sunsets = $perldata->{'vt1dailyforecast'}->{'sunset'} ;
  > my $moonIcons = $perldata->{'vt1dailyforecast'}->{'moonIcon'} ;
  > my $moonPhrases = $perldata->{'vt1dailyforecast'}->{'moonPhrase'} ;
  > my $moonrises = $perldata->{'vt1dailyforecast'}->{'moonrise'} ;
  > my $moonsets = $perldata->{'vt1dailyforecast'}->{'moonset'} ;
  > my $days = $perldata->{'vt1dailyforecast'}->{'dayOfWeek'} ;
> > 
> Is this to save data for moonrise etc. too? If yes, how may I show
> them, tcuttings parameters g and G dont seem to work any more?

When I noticed started providing moon data in their newer
JSON files I extracted the array data, but have not processed it
further.  I'll look at adding it in a future release.

> 2. I found that the icon for weather tonight (second from left) does not
> show the night icon whereas the icon for tomorrow night (left) is
> correct. Is this a bug or related to the change of today to tonight in
> the plugin at a given time and cannot be changed?
> 26060
> provides icon numbers in the JSON file for the various
periods that the plugin maps to the icon graphic files.  I do not
process it further for day verses night icons.  I think if you look at
the website when it is completely cloudy at night I think
you'll see the same icon as during the day when it is completely cloudy.
When it is partly cloudy or clear you will see the moon or sun in the
icon as appropriate.  I think this is what your picture shows.
> 3. I would like to change day/date (middle) from englisch "Mittwoch, Nov
> 28" to german "Mittwoch, 28. Nov". In tcuttings plugin it was an easy
> task, but I cannot find the code for this in your plugin. Please give me
> a hint to the appropiate line or just say it is not possible.
Look at the code at line 3191.  You can adjust it for the date format
you prefer.  I'll look at adding logic for returning US verses European
date format in a future release.

  $dv = "$mons{$2} $3\n";

> 4. The word "Currently" for weather condition is not translated to
> german "Aktuell" so I substituted it with a stdtext. Should it be
> translated by the plugin automatically?
I have hard coded "Currently" at line 3274.   The period description is
not returned in the vt1observation JSON file.  The only translation
provided for so far within the plugin is in the strings.txt file which
is used only in the HTML for the LMS web interface. also
returns in appropriate language in the JSON files.  Since it is a single
word that is hard coded I suppose I can add some code to return the
appropriate language, unless someone has a better idea.
> Please give me some feedback to these questions.
> Finally: Many many thanks for your work, I appreaciate your continous
> efforts very much. So happy I can use STD with your plugin even after
> the Wunderground API shuts down.

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