mherger wrote: 
> > Yes, the CLI commands - I'd like to keep as much internal as possible.
> I
> > was thinking along the lines of the search items that appear in the
> > results from the "More" menu. e.h. "On Spotify: Artist", "On
> YouTube",
> > etc.
> That's actually something I wanted to ask you about: you haven't 
> implemented the "trackinfo" menu on the currently playing item, have 
> you? That would provide that very menu.

Yes, from the queue if you select the "More" entry from an item's menu
it will call -["trackinfo", "items", "track_id:xxx", "menu:1"]- But I
was thinking, that it might be nice to have the artist search links (and
others?) under the biography text in the now-playing info dialog
(accessed via the "i" icon). Don't want all the track info, just the
parts related to the artist. Maybe even likewise for album review and

BTW, I maintain an MPD client called Cantata. As part of this I have
lyric fetching, which fetches lyrics from multiple sources. (I actually
just adapted the code from Clementine). Would this be of interest to
you? Teh list of providers, and some parsing details, can be found in

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