cpd73 wrote: 
> This is not with the git version. git version does not store all that
> info. Sorry, but please try with git version, remove all pinned apps
> from local storge, restart LMS and clear browser cache. Add just add
> pandora. Check with local storage, to see if correct image, etc. I would
> try, but can't access Pandora here.

My apologies if I did not correctly get the git version.  Maybe I am
doing something wrong.  On my LMS server I removed all traces of the
plugin.  The I went to your github site
(https://github.com/CDrummond/lms-material) and downloaded a copy of the
repository.  Then copied the Material Skin directory to the
server/plugins directory.  This is a Windows Server so that would be
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Squeezebox\server\plugins".  I then made sure
there was not a copy in anywhere else on the system (including
"c:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Cache\InstalledPlugins\Plugins".  I then used
a search tool to search the entire system for any other copies of the
skin and there weren't any.  I compared the update log file to be sure
it matched v0.1.5, which it did including the latest check notes.  Then
I stopped and started the LMS server.  Then ran the experiment.

I just noticed you checked in a change a couple minutes ago, so I will
get that one and do the whole thing again.

R Greg Dawson

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