Thanks to all who have read my post! With well over a hundred views and
no responses, I suspect my question is just too obscure. Maybe nobody
has tried to do this before.

But it has occurred to me that there might be other reasons for the lack
of response:

1. Maybe I did not describe the problem well enough, so nobody
understands what I'm trying to do. I will try to remedy that with a
clearer description below. Or,

2. in the first post, I mentioned a genre tag that uses a medieval
ecclesiastical abbreviation for Christmas. Some people find that
abbreviation offensive. So it might be that I have offended someone, and
of course they would feel reluctant to help me. I apologize for any
offense I gave, and I have edited the first post to remove the possibly
offensive word. Or,

3. somebody might have experience with this very issue, but suspect that
I am unwilling to do my own work, and thus be reluctant to help me out.
If so, I understand that position. I'll be grateful for any advice that
helps to steer me in the right direction, and I do not necessarily
expect anyone to hand me a fully worked-out solution. Or,

4. I might have doomed my chances by failing to specify that I am using
SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite

With that out of the way, here's my second attempt to describe the

In brief, it is possible to have multiple genre tags in a single file.
And it's easy to select music on the basis of any single tag contained
in the files. Is it possible (using SQL Playlist or any other software
that works with LMS) to select music on the basis that the files must
contain two (or more) specific genre tags?

Here's a more detailed description with examples:

Let's say that I have a thousand music files. Every one of those files
has at least one of the following genre tags: Country, Jazz, or Rock.
Each file also contains one of these genre tags: Instrumental or Vocal.

It's very easy to set up a dynamic playlist that will play all Jazz
files, for instance, regardless of whether they are Vocal or
Instrumental. It's also easy to play all Vocal files, regardless of
whether they are Country, Jazz, or Rock.

But is it possible to play only files that have both Country and
Instrumental tags? Using the predefined options in SQL playlist, it's
easy to select both those tags, but only with an "OR" Boolean
relationship: files played will either be Country (vocal or
instrumental) or they will be Instrumental (country, jazz or rock).

Note that there is an easy workaround for this simple case, using the
predefined options: just select to play Country files, then select to
exclude all Vocal files. But that's as far as the predefined options can

What I want to do is more complex, selecting files on the basis of
multiple options, like this:

(Country AND Instrumental) OR (Jazz AND Vocal) OR Rock

Does anyone know if this sort of selection is possible? Obviously, it
can not be done with the predefined options in SQL Playlist. So it will
have to be done by constructing an SQL query. I'm a rank beginner at
that task, but I am hoping to learn. Any advice will be appreciated,
even a gentle nudge in the right direction. And again, if I would be
better off using something other than the SQL Playlist plugin, that
would be very helpful to know.

Thanks to anyone who reads all the way through this!

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