tcutting wrote: 
> I am posting the version of "PlayWithCoverAndClock" I use for my radio -
> It utilizes the LastFM artwork in addition to the album art to make a
> more interesting display.  I don't recall if you need to install any
> other plugins to make this work...
> I've noticed that the graphic files I posted don't always get loaded -
> if there are graphics missing (e.g., wireless icon, play/pause
> indicator), you can try clearing the cache on your device (it's in the
> settings, wherever the custom clock settings are, I believe under
> screen/screensavers/custom clock settings).
Took me quite a while, but I finally located your ZIP for the 'theme.'
Thanks for your work on this. It's working almost flawlessly on my Radio
with LMS 7.9.2 on a Windows 7 box. However it takes a long (LONG!) time
to load. A good thirty seconds and sometimes longer. Any idea why, or
what can be done to shorten the time until it displays?

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