left channel wrote: 
> I'm probably one of the few not running this in the background, so
> should mention the following: 
> * SLX is installing itself as a Startup item as of 2.0.7. I hadn't
> noticed that before updating today, though I don't restart all that
> often. This is easy enough to disable in Task Manager, but it would be
> nice to have that option in SLX itself, and not enabled by default when
> "Run in Background" is not enabled. 
> * The SLX task bar icon flashes when I exit Sleep. 
> * Also immediately after waking up, at least previous to 2.0.7, SLX
> sometimes coudn't find its own player for a little so defaulted to the
> next player in the list (but hasn't done that today). 
> This is on my laptop (i7, Win 10), where I need a bit more control of
> audio and of the system in general. On my mini HTPC, SLX will soon be
> the primary app so it will be a startup item and will run in the
> background there.

"SLX is installing itself as a Startup item"...  Yes, this has always
been true for the Microsoft Store version, because there is no other way
to do it.  As a Microsoft Store App, the app runs in a semi-virtualized
container, which is one of the reasons you can consider Microsoft Store
Apps safer, among other reasons.  The app cannot write to the common
places a traditional app can.  It cannot even write to the user portion
of the actual Windows Registry, or common folder areas like the normal
Windows temp folder.  It cannot even write to its own folder.  It can't
have admin privileges. What it does instead is it creates its own
virtual copy of the registry and O/S file structure and uses that.  So
anything it writes is not visible outside its own container.  What that
means is that I cannot change anything in the OS from the application
itself that would make SLX startup or not startup automatically, because
the operating system would not be able to see it. It has to be done as
part of the application store manifest file the Store installer uses so
that the Windows Store installer can do it because it has special
privileges that apps don't.

"The SLX task bar icon flashes when I exit Sleep..."  I am seeing this
as well, have not figured out why, though I have some theories.  I'll
investigate this. 

"after waking up, coudn't find its own player..."  I see this sometimes.
This is tricky, because when the computer wakes up, individual
applications and threads start back up in a somewhat random order. 
There is no guarantee that the squeezelite-win app has resumed and
reconnected to the server, which by this time has forgotten it.  So
until it does a client connect from the player, LMS will pick a
different player.  I plan on digging deeper into this.  I either have to
delay SLX until I can confirm squeezelite-win should and has resumed,
and has reconnected to the server, or reset the player after it has
resumed.  (I'm leaning towards the first approach.)

As always, thanks for speaking up and taking the time to contribute your
experiences, use cases, and ideas.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550

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