Am 23.01.19 um 12:27 schrieb cpd73:

mherger wrote:
I didn't think it was. I'm 100% sure its a Material issue.

When I click that menu item, nothing happens, because "allowTextClick"
for that item is false, and it's considered type="text". Where could I
find out why that "allowTextClick" flag is set to false?

I -think- line 236 is browse-resp.js is where you want to look. This
looks like a similar case to the delete history entry in Spotty.

That condition would indeed set the item's type to 'text'.

Line 202 in browse-page.js is what should be happening. Ie. the
"v-list-tile" block is controlled via a "v-if=" as long as the "if" is
true, then a click there would have allowTextClick to be true. It's the
only pace where it would be true.

I don't know how to debug this part of the code... any hint?

So, browse-resp.js should be setting the type to "text", and
browse-page.js checking the item type is text and other params before
allowing a click. Make sense?

But there's that one parameter "allowTextClick", which is set to false. And I don't know why this is set to false. That's overriding all the other conditions, isn't it?


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