I have a strange problem with my Denon Receiver that is detected by
Denon-AVR-X3400H         aa:aa:e4:xxxxxx         0005CDFxxxxx@Denon
AVR-X3400H._raop._tcp.local      Denon-AVR-X3400H (xxxx anonymized)

but does not appear on the list of playback devices in LMS 7.9.2 web

I tried to restart the server but no change. 

LMS is running on CentOS 7 

No errors in the logs.

Am I doing something wrong?

Log included:

Starting Squeeze2raop:
-Z -I -b -f /var/log/squeezeboxserver/raopbridge.log -d
all=debug -x /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/raopbridge.xml
[21:19:31.834400] main:1496 Starting squeeze2raop version: v0.4.9.0 (Jan
9 2019 @ 10:13:46)

[21:19:31.834462] register_pcm:245 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
[21:19:31.834470] register_mad:424 using mad to decode mp3
[21:19:31.834495] register_alac:536 using alac to decode alc
[21:19:31.834501] register_flac:283 using flac to decode flc
[21:19:31.834505] register_faad:635 using faad to decode aac
[21:19:31.834509] register_vorbis:337 using vorbis to decode ogg
[21:19:31.834524] register_soxr:391 using soxr for resampling
[21:19:31.834616] Start:1258 Binding to
[21:19:31.834693] StartActiveRemote:1166 DACP port: 50171
[21:19:31.876715] AddRaopDevice:863 [0xb0a700]: adding renderer
[21:19:31.877011] raopcl_create:732 [0x7fc0780090e0]: using PCM coding
[21:19:31.877113] stream_thread_init:307 [0xaafd80] streambuf size:
[21:19:31.877787] output_raop_thread_init:126 [0xaafd80]: init output
[21:19:31.877800] output_init_common:289 [0x1aeaa0]: outputbuf size:
[21:19:31.877804] output_init_common:293 allocating 1764000
[21:19:31.877820] decode_thread_init:156 [0xaafd80]: init decode
[21:19:31.877834] resample_init:342 [0xaafd80]: resampling sync recipe:
0x00, flags: 0x00, scale: 0.89, precision: 0.0, passband_end: 0.00000,
stopband_begin: 0.00000, phase_response: -1.0
[21:19:31.877886] mDNSsearchCallback:688 Updating configuration
[21:19:31.877945] discover_server:775 [0xaafd80] sending discovery
[21:19:32.877230] PlayerThread:396 [0xb0a700]: tick 3724956173
[21:19:33.877403] PlayerThread:396 [0xb0a700]: tick 3724957173
[21:19:34.877538] PlayerThread:396 [0xb0a700]: tick 3724958173
[21:19:35.877686] PlayerThread:396 [0xb0a700]: tick 3724959173
[21:19:36.877788] PlayerThread:396 [0xb0a700]: tick 3724960173
[21:19:36.880500] discover_server:775 [0xaafd80] sending discovery
[21:19:37.877942] PlayerThread:396 [0xb0a700]: tick 3724961173
[21:19:38.878090] PlayerThread:396 [0xb0a700]: tick 3724962174
[21:19:39.878191] PlayerThread:396 [0xb0a700]: tick 3724963174
[21:19:40.878303] PlayerThread:396 [0xb0a700]: tick 3724964174
[21:19:41.878751] PlayerThread:396 [0xb0a700]: tick 3724965174

skydreamer's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67816
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=105198

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