erland;177441 Wrote: 
> If you feel it would be of interest I could also make a CLI interface
> on top of the Custom Browse plugin, but I suspect that it will require
> some changes in your user interface since it offers a lot of different
> ways for browsing music while the current user interface seems to be
> limited to genre, artist, album browsing. I think some sort of tree
> navigation would better suitable for a Custom Browse integration.

I've thought about building some sort of custom control that would
allow for multi level exploration of a tree...something like the
Genres/Artists/Albums thing, only with lists that are added as needed.
I think that's how I'd like to handle radio station browsing (since
it's very hierarchical).

> Is it possible to hook in 3rd party plugins in this solution or is the
> user interface limited to the code you provide ?

It's definitely possible, but might not be easy, depending on how
complicated the hooks are. There's a way of splitting a Flex app into
modules which can be loaded at run time. If there are well-defined
interfaces for the main app and the modules, and you know where to find
the modules (say via an XML configuration file), it probably wouldn't be
that hard. It's defining the interfaces that might be tricky. (A
separate tab that showed dynamic playlists probably wouldn't be hard.
But adding extra columns to the track display for ratings requires a
more sophisticated plugin interface).

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