On 03/02/07, texwahoo
> Moose 0.53
> Server version 6.5.0
> Scanning MySql DB 'slimserver' on 'localhost' (user 'slimserver' '9092'
> for files
> MySql DB Scanning problems -> Could not load file or assembly
> 'MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d' or one of its dependencies. The
> located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly
> reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
> MySql DB Scanning problems
> Queuing: 00:04:20:07:13:ad status - 1 tags:jalydestru

Hi Tex,

Sounds like it's finding the MySql.Data.dll, but it's the wrong version.
Moose uses version 1.0.7, as opposed to the later releases.

I've made some modifications to the way moose's mysql works which
means that the next release hopefully won't require these connector
dlls, which should make things a bit easier.. Should be ready for
consumption next week sometime..

- Dr Lovegrove
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