cortegedusage wrote: 
> I was wondering if anybody still uses this plugin.
> There seems to be litle development on github.
> And I couldn't get it to work until stiefenm on Github made
> a pull request. Made the change in the file and it worked.
> But now I don't get it played synced. 
> I've tried it on native players I have a touch and a radio. 
> But also on Pi's it doesn't get to play when they are in sync.
> anyone has an idea, or the same problem?
> thanks

I (developer/maintainer) don't use Mixcloud that much anymore, but if it
doesn't work, and it can be fixed easily, I will still update the plugin
and publish a new version through the default plugin repository. I did
see the pull request on Github, but I haven't had the time to test this
myself yet. After I can do that, I'll publish the new version.

I only have one Squeezebox, so I can't really test the sync

My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch
Source code: 'GitHub' ( for SqueezeCloud,
Mixcloud, 22tracks and YouTube (old version)
505's Profile:
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