pettifoggery wrote: 
> I've just started using LMS with the BBC iPlayer Extras plugin. It's
> wonderful to have such easy access to BBC radio content. And with
> astonishing speed and reliability.
> The only small bother is the plugin's location in the radio menu. If
> possible I would very much prefer to relocate the plugin to the apps
> menu. I wondered if you could provide a little direction and instruction
> so that I can tweak the plugin's config files and then close the door on
> the otherwise redundant radio menu.

Edit the BBCiPlayerExtra file called Plugin .pm and add the lines
highlighted in red.  Save file. Stop LMS. Clear caches and restart LMS. 
No guarantee, no support and each time plugin is installed you'll need
to make the change (i.e. save a copy of the modified file

  sub initPlugin {
        my $class = shift;
        my $file = catdir( $class->_pluginDataFor('basedir'), 'default.opml' );
        $prefs->init({ disabledash => 0 });
                feed   => Slim::Utils::Misc::fileURLFromPath($file),
                tag    => 'bbciplayerextra',
                is_app => $class->can('nonSNApps') ? 1 : undef,
                menu   => 'radios',
                weight => 1,
  sub getDisplayName { 'PLUGIN_BBCIPLAYEREXTRA' }
  sub playerMenu { shift->can('nonSNApps') ? undef : 'RADIO' }

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