Peter Galbavy wrote: 
> No objection from me, but just curious what happens if you have more
> than 25k albums? I am well short of this (about 4,000) but I know many
> are up there.

Currently, the list will be capped. This limit is just a number, so
could be increased. However, I'm unsure how much memory this would use,
and if the HMTL page could be that large. Only visible items are shown
on the page - but a 'blank' item of the remining size is added to the
top / bottom. Still, with 25k albums even with an A..Z jump list with
all letters and numbers = 36 categories, which would be ~700 items per
category => a lot of scrolling. Therefore, with a list that large, a
single list is not useable.

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