While integrating some of the newer features of MAI into the extGUI4LMS
plugin, I've come across the following issues:

Documentation in CLI.md:
> musicartistinfo lyrics [artist:abba title:waterloo | album_id:123 |
> url:]
uses track_id, not album_id.
Also, the resulting behaviour depending on which parameter is set is
very confusing to me. It seems
track_id (or url) and no artist/title: only local lyrics
track_id and artist/title: cached lyrics (if available) or local lyrics
(if not). If both fail, finally online search
artist/title and no track_id: cached lyrics (if available) or online
search (if not)
Is this correct?

This is also fundamentally different to the other functions (e.g.
albumcovers), which seem to have the same behaviour no matter if _id or
text is passed (by converting _id to text). IMHO, this approach seems
more consistent / deterministic and less error prone.

> Textual content returned using these queries would be text only,
> stripped from any formatting of whatever is found on the internet. No
> images, no formatting, nothing.
albumreview and biography can take a html:1 parameter to return
formatted content

Suggestions for improvements:
albumcovers returns image size as one value (WxH or W or H). While WxH
can be split into W/H, there is no way of knowing if a single value is W
or H. Returning 2 values (e.g. size_w and size_h) would solve this.
artistphotos doesn't return image size, although they seem to be
avilable in ArtistInfo._getArtistPhotos(). Returning them as
size_w/size_h would be quite useful for client apps

SW: 'Web UI for LMS'
| 'Playlist Editor / Generator'
| 'Music Classification'
| 'Similar Music'
| 'LMSlib2go' (https://www.nexus0.net/pub/sw/lmslib2go/)
HowTos: 'build a self-contained LMS'
| 'Ogg Opus'
| 'Bluetooth/ALSA'
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