Managed to create the config.xml file and it's all setup and the
Squeezebox touch device shows up in Roon, but when I play a song it says
at 0:00 and i get this console log:

[11:26:12.730] process_strm:235 [00509DC0] strm command s
[11:26:12.744] process_strm:304 [00509DC0], strm s autostart: 1
transition period: 0 transition type: 0 codec: f
[11:26:12.744] sendSTAT:166 [00509DC0]: STAT:[STMf] msplayed 0
[11:26:12.798] cli_open_socket:174 [00509DC0] unable to connect to
server with cli
[11:26:12.798] sq_get_metadata:375 [00509DC0]: cannot get metadata
[11:26:12.798] bind_socket:397 cannot bind socket 736
[11:26:12.798] output_start:82 [00509DC0]: start thread 0
[11:26:12.798] process_start:1191 [00509DC0]: codec:c, ch:0, s:0, r:0
[11:26:12.800] sendSTAT:166 [00509DC0]: STAT:[STMc] msplayed 0
[11:26:12.800] process_strm:339 [00509DC0] no matching codec c
[11:26:12.800] sendSTAT:166 [00509DC0]: STAT:[STMn] msplayed 0

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