I’m pleased to announce v3.0b1 of the Lazy Search Music plugin for
SlimServer 7.0. This is the first release that works on the unstable
development version of SlimServer, so if you’re involved with the
development or testing of that version then this is the Lazy Search
plugin version you need.

This is a beta release of the plugin and so there may be outstanding
problems that I’ve not found. However, I’m reasonably confident that it
works as I’ve run through my complete test suite and found no
outstanding problems. Note that this is for the development version of
SlimServer and, because that version is under continual development,
it’s possible that this plugin may be broken at any time. If that
happens I’ll try to make the plugin compatible again as soon as

Changes in this beta release over and above v2.3 of the plugin are as

- The plugin has now been ported to SlimServer 7.0a1. Note that
  because this version of the SlimServer is under constant development
  this plugin is likely to be broken by those ongoing changes. If
  you’re having trouble and you’ve updated to a later development
  version of SlimServer then check back to
  http://hickinbottom.demon.co.uk/lazysearch to see if I’ve released an
- As part of the SlimServer 7 support, the plugin settings are now in
  their own separate page. This has allowed me to tidy up the layout
  somewhat. Some of the strings used on this page need translation, so
  feel free to let me know what you’d like if they don’t appear
  correctly in your native language.
- Moodlogic support has been dropped in line with its removal from
  the main SlimServer code. I never received any feedback that it
  worked anyway.
Note that you should take care when changing the plugin settings since
there currently isn’t any validation of those settings. That’s because
I don’t believe that there is any framework support present for that
yet in the development SlimServer.

Fill your boots over at http://hickinbottom.demon.co.uk/lazysearch

Let me know (through the contact details on the above link) if you have
any problems.



-"Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after
- with 'Lazy Searching' (http://hickinbottom.demon.co.uk/lazysearch)!"-
hickinbottoms's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=255
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