mherger wrote: 
> >
> Hmm... interesting. In this case the issue should be reproducible by 
> using long tracks vs. short tracks? What kind of player are you using?

I'm not sure that would tell you, because even a short track would need
to start buffer the next track, perhaps right away.  I think one way to
distinguish it would be a single-track playlist.  If the track always
played OK that way, but skipped when in a multi-track list, it would at
least be suggestive.

Bu really, the thing to do would probably be to run both the plugin and
the desktop app through a debugging proxy like Fiddler, and compare
their behavior when playing the same playlist.  But I haven't done that.

All that said, I *shortened* the buffer size from 30s to 3s, and that
seems to have helped.  I did that on a whim, thinking that if the above
theory was correct, it would have to connect sooner, and download more,
the larger the desired buffer; while connecting later, and with less to
download, would be less likely to trip rate limits.

Who knows, since I haven't actually looked at the traffic, but my very
unofficial test last night it played several song through without error
which it had been skipping the ends of before.

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